Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Group Work: Anais, Tom J, Tom F, Dioane, Vassil, Chen

(Evening news theme music starts playing…fade out to anchor’s voice)

News Anchor: Good evening Boston, tonight we are bringing you breaking news on the escaped group of Subs, last spotted fleeing GENESIS (GENetically Engineered Sub-human Initiative for Success) facilities. These facilities are responsible for the enforcement of recent government mandates that all functioning social security numbers be limited to those humans that can essentially perform daily tasks without the extra risks associated with non-engineered DNA. The unfortunate anomalies that are unable to receive modification are, as we all know, weaker and not capable of higher brain function. According to official reports, this particular escaped group of Subs were scheduled for transit to the incubation barracks for cryogenic freezing and later experimentation when a strange (and irregular) breach in security allowed one of the more advanced specimens to use a guard’s keycard to swipe them out. His methods are still unknown, as these Subs are known to posses little to no real planning skills or ability to collaborate. The guard in question has since been taken in for questioning by National Security. The general public should not be at all concerned; these creatures present no danger to normally-engineered individuals. However, that being said, everyone should remain vigilant and on the lookout for the escapees until they are rounded up and delivered to the GENESIS barracks. If spotted, please contact this station or your local police department.

Join us after these commercial breaks for a scintillating debate on the merits of artificial lab-grown muscle tissue versus the innovative new bio-mechanical bodily supplements.

Announcer: This segment of tonight’s news has been brought to you by Albert Gene Technologies - Improving our future, one gene at a time.

(Fade to commercial)

Voiceover: As our society moves rapidly into the golden age of convenience, shouldn’t your family life improve in the same manner? With the aid of the dedicated team at Albert Gene Technologies, your loved ones can reach their greatest potential, without leaving all the important details to chance. Our patented gene-splicing technology . Tired of having unhealthy children, and constant trips to the doctors? Don’t want to deal with a potentially life-altering behavior issue? Or you simply want the strongest and smartest genes for your child? Then give the staff here at AGT a call, 1-800-GOOD-KID for more information. No loner will you have to contend with the angst and worry that often comes with raising an unaltered child. Your loved ones will thank you! Also, because AGT genuinely cares about you and your family, we give you the opportunity to take advantage of our discount plan - genetically engineer three children, and your fourth one is free! Again, the number is 1-800-GOOD-KID. Consultants are standing by 24 hours a day to assist you in the selection process.


Anonymous said...

This is Anais - I just saw a couple typos that I didn't catch before and they're REALLY bugging me; I don't know how to delete the post and re-submit it or I would :(

1. "this particular escaped group of Subs were scheduled..."
It's clearly supposed to be "was" scheduled

2. "Posses"
Spelled wrong. I know there's two S' on the end.

SORRY! I don't know why they were bothering me so much

Merrissa said...

I love this one, the commercial is really good and I like the "genetically engineer three children, and your fourth one is free!" It's really creepy the way it comes across but it could also be a reality one day which makes it even more eerie.