Thursday, February 4, 2010

updated syllabus on blog?

Hey Professor,

I think it would be very helpful if there was an updated syllabus on the blog. It would be easier to see what homework was upcoming and what the the due dates for different parts of the research paper are. Maybe then you could just add to it while you gauge how fast the class is moving. It would save difficulties of people misplacing it, missing class and not receiving it, or not having their syllabus when they needed it. Also it would increase traffic on the blog as students would open up the blog instead of their folder to view their syllabus. Let me know what you think!


Mara said...

I think it's a very good idea, but I can't upload word documents on the blog. If I post it as posts, they would just end up in the archives as soon as the main page got crowded. So, do you have any suggestions as to how to make the syllabus available on the blog? I'm thinking maybe next semester I'll try a wiki instead as I think it allows you to link word documents.

Dan Devereaux said...

You can set up links on the blog so maybe you could put an updated syllabus on a free webpage or its own wiki and post a link to it on the blog.

Mara said...

How do you create a free webpage?